
  • A Crash Course in Supplement Stacking

    Generally, stacking your supplements is safe and effective. Whichever supplement stacks you try, we think you’ll find them a smarter way to boost your body and brain’s performance. Whether you’re trying to get some sweet gains, bro, or get a better night’s sleep, these nutrient combinations will help you achieve your goals.
  • 7 Reasons Cinnamon is the Perfect Fall Spice

    Did you know that cinnamon also has significant medicinal properties? It’s true: this beloved spice can also contribute to your overall health. Here’s an overview of why we think cinnamon might just be the perfect spice.
  • Foraging is More Than a Trend: It's a Better Way to Eat

    Foraging has gained popularity in recent years, but it’s a time-tested tradition. The term simply refers to going out into the woods or other wild areas to find edible plants to eat. When done correctly, you can find nutritious, tasty treats like mushrooms, nuts, herbs and edible flowers.

  • Coconut Oil Deserves a Bigger Role in Your Daily Regimen

    The coconut oil craze has been going on for years, and for good reason. Coconut oil can be used for cooking, thanks to its low melting temperature and high smoke point. It’s also a great moisturizer, and helps reduce inflammation naturally. Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of coconut oil.

  • Epigenetics: Your Diet Can Change Your DNA

    Epigenetics studies how environmental and biological signals can affect gene expression. As scientists learn more about what causes changes in gene expression, they can further understand the relationship between diet, lifestyle, nutrition and diseases like coronary artery disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and obesity.
  • How You Grind Your Coffee Affects Your Flavor Experience

    Coffee can have a lot of different flavors. When it’s brewed properly, you might get hints of bread or chocolate. It can be mellow and smooth, or strong and bracing—but when you brew it improperly, you run the risk of sour or unpleasantly bitter flavors.
  • Your Brain Craves Lipids. Give it the Right Kind.

    Ever wonder what constitutes “brain food?” Turns out, fat is pretty important to brain function—as long as you pick the right kind. Healthy, natural forms of fat support brain development and function throughout our lives.
  • Avoiding Seed Oils and the Inflammation That Comes with Them

    Seed oils are known to cause inflammation. If you’re dedicated to reducing inflammation as much as possible, there are plenty of other oils to try: coconut, olive and avocado oils boast more nutritional benefits than seed oils.
  • Can Eating Right Really Reduce Anxiety?

    If you struggle with anxiety, you’ve probably done everything you can to manage your symptoms. Therapy, medication, exercise, meditation, journaling and more are common solutions to generalized anxiety disorder. But what if we told you that eating right can also reduce your anxiety?
  • Reap the Benefits of these 6 Wheat Flour Alternatives

    Going gluten-free? Whether out of medical necessity or simple preference, a gluten-free diet can be challenging. When you’re used to eating bread, pasta, baked goods and other foods with wheat flour, finding new and satisfying alternatives is tough. Sure, you could skip the flour entirely—but with these six wheat flour alternatives, you can replicate your favorite gluten-laden treats.

  • Combat Summer Dehydration with Natural Electrolyte-Heavy Drinks

    Electrolytes are the key to helping your body manage fluid intake. Water alone may not have all the electrolytes you need, and sugary sports drinks have an excessive sugar-to-electrolyte ratio. Read on to learn about the importance of electrolytes and hydration, and the best beverages to try this summer.

  • Athletes, Meet Your New Best Friend: Probiotics

    Probiotics—the healthy bacteria in your gut—are important for everyone. Athletes stand to gain even more than the average person. When athletes add probiotics to their diet, they can shorten their recovery time and improve their nutrient absorption and immune function. That’s great news for anyone trying to stay in shape and boost their performance.