
  • Folic Acid Deficiency is More Common Than You Think

    Getting enough folic acid is crucial—but on the other hand, you should be careful not to exceed the upper limit with supplements. (Folate in your diet is fine, since it’s water soluble and excess will be flushed out.) Talk to your doctor about how much folic acid you’re getting, and whether you need to add more supplements.
  • Everything You Need to Know About CoQ10 and its Benefits

    Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, is an enzyme that helps your cells produce energy. As we get older, our bodies have a limited ability to produce enough CoQ10 to ward off diseases like cancer, heart disease, brain disease and diabetes—all linked to low levels of CoQ10.

  • Cheers to Garlic: Delicious, Nutritious and Superstitious!

    Garlic is a popular ingredient in many cuisines—there are even restaurants entirely dedicated to the pungent cloves. Whether you use it as a base flavoring for soups and sauces or roast the cloves to spread on bread, garlic packs a lot of big-time flavor. But the best part? Garlic is also great for your health. 

  • Valerian Root is a Natural Way to Stimulate Better Sleep

    If you have sleep issues, you’ve no doubt tried ways to solve the issue: physical activity, sunlight exposure and light therapy, melatonin and more. Maybe you’ve even tried prescription sleep aids, which can have unpleasant side effects. When all else has failed, it might be time to try valerian root. 

  • 4 Reasons Why Everyone Needs to Learn to Love Broccoli

    Broccoli: whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying it’s one of the healthiest and heartiest vegetables out there. Not only that, but it’s inexpensive and widely available, making it great for every budget and diet. Today, it’s one of the most popular vegetables and appears in the vast majority of world cuisine.

  • Your Diet Could Probably Use More MCT Oil

    MCT oil could be a valuable addition to your diet. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are chains of—you guessed it—medium-length fats called triglycerides. They’re easier to digest than longer-chain fatty acids, and could offer a number of nutrition and health benefits, especially for athletes.

  • Natural vs. Artificial Sweeteners: Is There a Right Answer?

    White sugar, brown sugar, honey, agave, stevia, aspartame: which of these are safe to consume? Is there a “right” sweetener to use, or is it all about comparing risks?

  • Plants vs. Fish: Does it Matter Where Your Omega 3s Come From?

    Does it matter what type of omega-3 fatty acids you consume? Omega-3s are found in fish, but they can also be sourced from plants, needs, seeds, algae oils and fortified foods. This is good news for anyone on a plant-based diet—but are all omega-3 sources created equal?

  • Drink in the Delicious Benefits of Bone Broth

    Bone broth might not sound appetizing, but its growing popularity declares otherwise. This rich broth is made by simmering joints (especially meaty ones) in water, usually with herbs and aromatics. The protein and collagen in the flavorful broth has several unique health benefits.
  • Going Gluten Free? Here are 4 Tips to Help You Get Started

    About one percent of American adults actually have celiac disease, but about one in six follow a completely gluten-free diet. One in five try to eat gluten-free whenever possible. Some follow the diet to help cut down on their carbohydrate intake, while others are under the impression that gluten-free foods are just healthier.
  • Avocados Are Just About the Best Food You Can Eat. Here's Why.

    All hail the almighty avocado! When it’s not getting a bad rap as the reason Millennials can’t afford homes, it’s gaining recognition as one of the best superfoods you can possibly eat. This creamy, savory fruit is packed with healthy fats, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.
  • 6 Reasons Why Free Range Meat is Better for Your Body

    With all the different labels out there—free range, cage-free, humanely raised, grass-fed, certified humane and more, even a quick grocery trip can become pretty overwhelming. Are these labels really better for you and the animals themselves? Does it justify the higher cost?