How to Boost Your Immunity with Vitamin C
You undoubtedly know that vitamin C plays an important part in immune health. Whether your mother encourages you to load up on C when you feel a cold coming on, or you’re just hoping to avoid scurvy, this vitamin plays an important role in our immune systems. Your body can’t produce it on its own, so grab the citrus, the supplements, the spinach and the broccoli. Here’s exactly how vitamin C improves your immune health—and how to get the most out of your C. -
We’ve Got the Beet: Add This Root to Your Diet and Reap the Benefits
Beets: they’re tasty, they’re pretty and they’re full of health benefits. Put them in salads and smoothies, juice them or roast them—there are plenty of delicious ways to enjoy this versatile root. As long as you can remain calm on your next trip to the bathroom, adding more of this ruby-colored root vegetable to your diet is almost always a good thing. -
What to Do When Fiber Makes You Feel Bloated
How can you maintain a high-fiber diet without uncomfortable stomach gas and bloating? It’s important to maintain a balance between getting sufficient fiber for your health goals and worrying that you may float away. Here’s how to handle the high fiber bloat.
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin A in Your Diet?
Vitamin A is one of these nutrients you probably don’t give it much thought—it’s not as popular to write about as B, C and D vitamins are. It still plays an important role in your health. Here’s why you should make sure you’re getting enough vitamin A, and the best sources of vitamin A-rich foods.
How Much of Your Diet is Raw?
Are you cooking most of your foods? If you follow a raw food diet, you might be leaving as much as 70 percent or more of your diet uncooked. This concept, which has been around since the 19th century, purports that raw foods are healthier for the body. -
Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: The Difference, and Why You Need Both
Probiotics are healthy gut bacteria, while prebiotics are the fibrous food that feed the bacteria. If you want to boost your health and immunity, make sure that you get both probiotics and prebiotics in your diet.
Beyond CBD: 8 Cannabinoids and Their Properties
There are eight major cannabinoids, which appear in varying levels. THC and CBD are by far the most abundant, but scientists are discovering that other cannabinoids contribute to different effects.
Find Reasons to Make Ayurvedic Herbs Part of Your Diet
Even if you don’t follow the diet exactly, it’s worth adding ayurvedic herbs to your diet. Not only are they delicious, but they offer plenty of health benefits that will make you feel great—no matter what dosha you possess.
Fiber Doesn’t Just Keep You Regular: It Keeps You Energized
Maybe you already know that fiber is crucial for regulating your intestinal health. It can also make you feel fuller, longer. Best of all, it can help you feel energized and ready to tackle life. -
Collagen-Boosting Foods to Keep You Looking and Feeling Young
If you’re feeling a little older than you want to (who isn’t?), it’s time to increase your collagen intake. Here’s how collagen can help you look and feel great—and which foods will get you there.
Signs You Need More Vitamin D in Your Life—and Where to Get It
However you choose to get your vitamin D, make sure you make an effort to get enough. It’s one of the easiest ways to improve your overall health and well-being. -
Watch Out for These Sneaky Sources of Hidden Sugars
Unfortunately, hidden sugars are everywhere. Unless you know how to find hidden sugars in your food, you could be unknowingly sabotaging your diet. Here’s how to find and avoid hidden sugar.
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