
  • The Food Your Food Eats is Important

    The food your food eats is important, because it determines the quality and nutrition of what you’re choosing to nourish yourself with.

  • Get the Scoop on Alkaline Water and Why a pH Increase Might be Good for You

    Let’s take a look at what alkaline water is and why it’s beneficial, and how to get it if your water at home is closer to a middling pH of 7.
  • Suffer From Crohn's? Your Diet Could Use More Glutamine

    Glutamine offers anti-inflammatory properties that help protect the gut from inflammation, and increase the threshold for that inflammation. This can help reduce symptoms of Crohn’s.
  • Whey, Casein and Plant-Based Protein: What's the Difference?

    When it comes to protein, you’ve got options. Get the scoop on the different types of protein and what makes them unique as you start to mindfully think about your body and its needs.
  • Beets are the Most Underrated Nutritional Food. Here's Why.

    Not too many people are going to say that beets are their favorite food—let alone their favorite vegetable. That said, it’s important to at least develop a tolerance for them. The health benefits beets offer are too great to miss out on!

  • Tips for Adapting Your Diet After a Medical Diagnosis

    Waking up after decades of eating the same foods only to be told you can’t anymore is rough. It’s even tough when your allergy is gluten or soy, and most convenient foods are automatically eliminated. The best you can do is adopt a positive outlook and use it as an opportunity to focus on your health.

  • Find More Ways to Incorporate These 9 Anti-Inflammatory Foods into Your Diet

    Diet has the most bearing on the inflammatory response, and it’s our biggest weapon in taming inflammation. There’s a whole host of foods out there that can mitigate inflammation and even help prevent some of the inflammation-related conditions people suffer from. 
  • Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: What's the Difference and How do They Work?

    After introducing probiotics and prebiotics to your system, you should begin to see positive changes—everything from a better mood, to more energy, to improved digestion. This is the power of a healthy gut, and it’s why the science is becoming more adamant about protecting and nurturing your gut’s microbiome.
  • 7 Vitamins and Supplements Proven to Boost Metabolism

    It’s still going to take hard work in the gym and smart decisions in the kitchen to achieve your weight loss goals this coming year. That said, using these natural metabolism boosters to give yourself a kickstart in burning fat is a great way to start seeing the early results that will encourage you to persevere.

  • 9 Herbs You Can (and Should) Grow at Home

    Growing your own herbs at home can really enhance your cooking experience this year. Herbs add tremendous flavor to the dishes you’ll be cooking and increase your confidence in the kitchen.
  • Get the Scoop on Kombucha and Why Wellness Advocates Love it!

    While kombucha has been a mainstay in Asian cultures for centuries, it’s relatively new in the West. Nevertheless, it’s something many health advocates have begun to embrace—and for good reason!

  • Breaking Down CBD: Everything You Need to Know About This Cannabinoid

    The purpose of this article is to sum up everything you need to know about CBD, so you can feel good about incorporating it into your lifestyle in the right capacity. Let’s get into it!