Mushrooms: The Superfoods no One's Talking About!
Most people think of mushrooms as the fungi they are, which is what makes them so unappealing. Who wants to eat fungus? Well, if you’re concerned about your health and want to treat your body right, these fungi should be on your grocery list perpetually. Here’s why.
5 Vitamins and Minerals You're Likely Not Getting Enough of
The biggest problem with vitamin and nutrient deficiencies is that the symptoms take a long time to manifest and can be inconsistent. You might never know that you’re lacking these important substances until a doctor orders bloodwork and tells you. Here are five vitamins and minerals you’re likely not getting enough of.
6 Supplements to Consider for More Restful Sleep
If you’re struggling to fall asleep, stay asleep or get truly restful sleep, it’s time to start considering supplements for sleep. Thankfully, there are no shortage of natural supplements you can explore—instead of turning to prescription sleep aids and other chemicals that can have adverse effects on the body.
Everything You Need to Know About Optimal Fish Oil Supplementation
If you’re not currently Taking a fish oil supplement, it’s a good idea to look into one. Unless you’re eating fish every couple of days, you’re probably not getting enough Omega-3s. Fish oil is a simple way to get the essential aminos your body needs to protect itself from inflammation and illness.
Why Does Bioavailability Matter for Supplements?
If you’re taking a supplement or a vitamin and you’re concerned that you’re not getting all the benefits that should go along with it, you could have issues with bioavailability. -
Lipoxins are on the Front Lines of Fighting Inflammation
Your body produces several substances to combat inflammation when it’s gone too far. One of the most critical of those are lipoxins: little molecules that control and mediate the inflammatory process.
Why Is Green Tea So Good for Wellness?
For more than three thousand years, people have enjoyed green tea for its brisk taste. If you don’t have a packet ready to brew in your pantry, you could be missing out on several productive health benefits. -
Sick of IBS Upsetting Your Day? Add L-Glutamine to Your Diet
When it comes to waking up to another day of disruptions caused by IBS, L-glutamine is worth exploring. Pair an L-glutamine supplement with stress relief exercises and a healthy diet, and it might just be the recipe for relief you’ve been looking for. -
It's Time to Get Rid of Endocrine Disruptors That Might be Part of Your Daily Life
Endocrine disruption is common these days, manifesting in everything from adrenal fatigue to chronic conditions and even cancer. The trouble is, it’s not always easy to pinpoint what’s causing endocrine disruption or hormone imbalance. -
It's Getting Harder and Harder to Avoid Obesogens. Here's What You Can Do.
America has an obesity problem—but not necessarily from lack of trying. There’s growing concern of obesogens and the impact they have on our weight and health.
How to Recognize and Overcome Adrenal Fatigue, to Live Healthier
Why do you consistently feel like your life is a marathon and you’re always in last place trying to catch up? You might have adrenal fatigue: a collection of minor symptoms that add up to have a major impact on your life.
Leaky Gut Syndrome Could be the Culprit Behind Your Chronic Illness
Leaky gut is becoming a more and more common condition for many people and beginning to cause long-term damage to not just their gut health, but their holistic health as well.
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