For the salad dressing:

1 tablespoon parsley, chopped

1/3 cup cashew butter

1 tablespoon sesame seeds

½ cup green onion, chopped

2 tablespoons tamari sauce

2 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tablespoons vinegar

A pinch of sea salt

Black pepper to taste

2 garlic cloves, minced

1/3 cup coconut milk

¼ cup avocado oil

For the salad:

2 tablespoons water

3 sweet potatoes, cut with a spiralizer

1 tablespoon parsley, chopped


In a blender, mix cashew butter with 1 tablespoon parsley, green onion, sesame seeds, vinegar, tamari sauce, lemon juice, garlic, coconut milk, a pinch of salt and black pepper and pulse well. Add the oil gradually and blend again well. Put sweet potato noodles in a bowl and add water,. Place in your microwave and steam at High temperature for 4 minutes. Drain potato noodles in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon parsley. Add dressing. Toss to coat and serve.


Fat: 13.9 g

Carbs: 39.3 g

Protein: 6.2 g

Total Calories:  296 Calories

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