1 and ½ cups mashed cauliflower
A pinch of sea salt
Black pepper to taste
½ cup almond meal
1 and ½ tablespoons flax seed, ground
2/3 cup water
½ teaspoon oregano, dried
½ teaspoon garlic powder
Tomato sauce for serving
2 tablespoons chives, chopped
2 tablespoons red bell peppers, chopped
In a bowl, mix flax seed with water and stir well. In a separate bowl, mix cauliflower with almond meal, flax seed mix, a pinch of sea salt, pepper, oregano and garlic powder. Shape small pizza crusts, spread them on a lined baking sheet and bake them in the oven at 420 degrees F for 15 minutes. Take pizzas out of the oven and spread the tomato sauce all over. Sprinkle the chives, and bell peppers. Place in the oven again and bake 10 more minutes. Divide between plates and serve.
Fat: 9.6 g
Carbs: 11.5 g
Protein: 5.5 g
Total Calories: 145 Calories