
  • 5 Ways to Put Your Coffee Grounds to Good Use, Instead of in a Landfill

    Here’s a look at five creative ways to put old coffee grounds to good use and why you should consider them the next time you brew a pot of your favorite blend.

  • What is Intermittent Fasting, and Can it Work for You?

    Fasting is nothing new—cultures around the globe use it as a way to reset the body and mind in order to be spiritually cleansed. It’s also a surprisingly effective way to lose weight, particularly if you’re trying to achieve metabolic flexibility.

  • How Metabolic Flexibility Can Lead to Better Health, More Energy and a Faster Metabolism

    Your metabolism is how your body turns the food you eat into fuel. For plenty of us, food isn’t just fuel. It is a source of pleasure, comfort and even social interaction, and dietary limits can feel restrictive. So, what if we told you that you can boost your energy and be healthier without going on crazy diets?

  • You Are What You Eat: Your Gut Could Be Shaping Your Personality!

        Do you put much thought into what you’re feeding your body? You might’ve heard the phrase, “you are what you eat.” Sure, eating too many sweets...
  • What Can Mitochondria Tell Us About Cellular Stress?

        "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.” This simple phrase is something every high-school biology student learns, and it was even the...
  • More Evidence Psychoactives May Fight Depression: Ayahuasca Clinical Trials Begin

      For anyone who has been struggling to cure or even manage their depression, the news that scientists are conducting clinical trials of psychedel...